Exercices niveau 3 de compréhension de lecture en anglais pour CM2

  • Toutes les ressources : Level 3 - Anglais : CM2

Clothes shopping – Cm1 – Cm2 – Anglais – Lecture – Level 3 – PDF à imprimer

Clothes shopping - Cm1 - Cm2 - Anglais - Lecture - Level 3 - PDF à imprimer

Lecture – Level 3 en anglais : “Clothes shopping” au Cm1 – Cm2 Text : Clothes shopping Today, I am going shopping with Mum. I have grown a lot these past months. Dad says I am as big as a giraffe. All of my trousers are too short so it is very difficult to dress properly. I hate shopping, it’s boring. But I have to. We start with a shop in which I do not like any of the clothes….

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A visit to the farm – Cm1 – Cm2 – Anglais – Lecture – Level 3 – PDF à imprimer

A visit to the farm - Cm1 - Cm2 - Anglais - Lecture - Level 3 - PDF à imprimer

Lecture – Level 3 en anglais : “A visit to the farm” au Cm1 – Cm2 “Today we are going to the countryside to visit a farm. I am very excited: you know how much I love animals. The farmer said they have hens, cows, horses, ducks, geese and rabbits. Dad is afraid of geese because he says they can chase you and bite you. Mum wants to buy fresh eggs and fresh milk. They also sell apples. We will…

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In bed – Cm1 – Cm2 – Anglais – Lecture – Level 3 – PDF à imprimer

In bed - Cm1 - Cm2 - Anglais - Lecture - Level 3 - PDF à imprimer

Lecture – Level 3 en anglais : “In bed” au Cm1 – Cm2 Text : In bed “Today I don’t feel very well. I have a headache and feel tired. Mum checks my temperature. I have a high fever so she calls the doctor. One hour later, the doctor comes by and tells me to rest for a week. Next, Mum goes to the pharmacy to buy medicine. Berk, I don’t like this! I hope I will feel better soon!”…

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On Wednesday – Cm1 – Cm2 – Anglais – Lecture – Level 3 – PDF à imprimer

On Wednesday - Cm1 - Cm2 - Anglais - Lecture - Level 3 - PDF à imprimer

Lecture – Level 3 en anglais : “On Wednesday” au Cm1 – Cm2 Text : On Wednesday “Today is Wednesday. In the morning, I do my homework. Mum helps me. I don’t like it! Every week, I must read a text and learn my lessons. In the afternoon, I go to my judo class with Dad. I love this sport so much! It lasts one hour. When I go back home, I play with my friends in the garden….. …

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Happy birthday ! – Cm1 – Cm2 – Anglais – Lecture – Level 3 – PDF à imprimer

Happy birthday ! - Cm1 - Cm2 - Anglais - Lecture - Level 3 - PDF à imprimer

Lecture – Level 3 en anglais : “Happy birthday !” au Cm1 – Cm2 Text : Happy birthday ! “Today is a very special day! It’s August the 25th and it’s my birthday! I am 8 now. I am so excited! So this morning, I woke up very early and jumped in my parents’ bed. They wished me a “Happy birthday!” and gave me a big hug. After, we all prepared the party and got ready to welcome our guests:…

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Summer holidays – Cm1 – Cm2 – Anglais – Lecture – Level 3 – PDF à imprimer

Summer holidays - Cm1 - Cm2 - Anglais - Lecture - Level 3 - PDF à imprimer

Lecture – Level 3 en anglais : “Summer holidays” au Cm1 – Cm2 Text : Summer holidays “Today, it is hot! But that’s normal: it’s the summer! I love the summer holidays! Every year, I go camping in the French mountains with my parents. We do a lot of hiking and we swim in the fresh river. Our dog is very happy there! And you know what I love best? Seeing shooting stars at night!” Vocabulary : Summer : été…

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Tom, the English boy – Cm1 – Cm2 – Anglais – Lecture – Level 3 – PDF à imprimer

Tom, the English boy - Cm1 - Cm2 - Anglais - Lecture - Level 3 - PDF à imprimer

Lecture – Level 3 en anglais : “Tom, the English boy” au Cm1 – Cm2 Text : Tom, the English boy “Hi! My name is Tom. I am English and I live in London. I am eight. I love reading and riding my bike. All of my friends love to play football, but I don’t. I am a lonely child. I have a lot of pets : a yellow dog, a grey cat and 2 goldfishes….. Vocabulary : To…

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Tom’s family – Cm1 – Cm2 – Anglais – Lecture – Level 3 – PDF à imprimer

Tom’s family - Cm1 - Cm2 - Anglais - Lecture - Level 3 - PDF à imprimer

Lecture – Level 3 en anglais : “Tom’s family” au Cm1 – Cm2 Text : Tom’s family “I live in London with my parents. My dad, Iain, is an electrician. Amy, my mum, is a teacher. I am a lonely child. I would like to have a little sister though! I love to read books and to do science experiments in the garden….. Vocabulary : Electrician : électricien Teacher : maître(sse) Lonely child : enfant unique I would like…

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Tom and the frogs – Cm1 – Cm2 – Anglais – Lecture – Level 3 – PDF à imprimer

Tom and the frogs - Cm1 - Cm2 - Anglais - Lecture - Level 3 - PDF à imprimer

Lecture – Level 3 en anglais : “Tom and the frogs” au Cm1 – Cm2 Text : Tom and the frogs “I love nature. I spend a lot of time in our garden to watch plants and insects. This morning, I was next to the fish pond to feed our goldfish. And do you know what? There were two little frogs. They were light green and shiny. They had golden eyes. They were beautiful! What a fantastic surprise I had!…

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Halloween night – Cm1 – Cm2 – Anglais – Lecture – Level 3 – PDF à imprimer

Halloween night - Cm1 - Cm2 - Anglais - Lecture - Level 3 - PDF à imprimer

Lecture – Level 3 en anglais : “Halloween night” au Cm1 – Cm2 Text : Halloween night “Today is October 31st. I am getting ready for Halloween. I am decorating the front door and the garden with spider cobwebs. Mum is filling the treat bowl with sweets. Dad is curving a pumpkin into a Jack’o lantern. And now, I can dress in my favourite Halloween costume: tonight I am a black vampire. I am ready now to parade from house…

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  • Level 3 - Anglais : CM2 - Exercice