Exercices corrigés - Pronoms interrogatifs - Anglais : 3ème - PDF à imprimer

Questions – 3ème – Exercices – PDF à imprimer

Questions - 3ème - Exercices  - PDF à imprimer

Exercices corrigés sur les questions en anglais 1/ Barre le mot interrogatif incorrect (Cross out the wrong question word). Whose / Who schoolbag is this? How much / How many chocolate can you eat? Whose / Which do you prefer? Ham or meat balls? How tall / How old is your little sister? 5 or 6? 2/Choisis le mot interrogatif qui convient (Fill in the blanks with the right WH- pronoun). ….. is Clark frightened? Because he hates crocodiles. ……..

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Questions – 3ème – Révisions – Anglais – PDF à imprimer

Questions - 3ème - Révisions - Anglais - PDF à imprimer

Exercices d’anglais à imprimer pour la 3ème – Questions 1/ Mets les mots dans le bon ordre pour former des phrases cohérentes (Put the words into the right order to make meaningful sentences). your parents / have / yet / arrived? made / is / how / ice cream? your friends / what / doing / are? your scooter / in the accident / was / damaged? 2/Choisis le mot interrogatif qui convient (Fill in the blanks with the right…

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Pronoms interrogatifs - Anglais : 3ème - Exercice