Exercices corrigés - Forme emphatique so / such - Anglais : 3ème - PDF à imprimer

Exclamatives – 3ème – Exercices corrigés – PDF à imprimer

Exclamatives - 3ème - Exercices corrigés - PDF à imprimer

Exercices à imprimer pour la 3ème – Exclamatives – Exclamation sentences – Anglais 1/ Coche la bonne réponse (Tick the correct answer). □ How □ Such □ What a good meal he had for lunch! It was □ such □ so □ how dark outside that I didn’t see the car. □ How □ Such □ What stupid! I forgot my keys inside the car! Light travels □ such □ so □ how fast! 2/Barre la proposition qui n’est PAS…

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Exclamation sentences – 3ème – Révisions – PDF à imprimer

Exclamation sentences - 3ème - Révisions - PDF à imprimer

Exercices corrigés à imprimer – Exclamatives – Exclamation sentences – 3ème 1/ Construis des énoncés exclamatifs ou interrogatifs en utilisant HOW + adj ou WHAT+nom (Write exclamation or question sentences with HOW+adj. or WHAT+noun). ….. tall ….. ! (you /be) ….. fast ….. his homework ! (he / do) ….. nice shoes ….. today! (you/wear) ….. cereal….. ? (you/prefer) 2/Réécris les phrases suivantes en utilisant SUCH ou SO (Write the following sentences with SUCH or SO). There were many yellow…

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Forme emphatique so / such - Anglais : 3ème - Exercice